Daughter's Revenge Against Dad's Underwear Theft Leaves Him Miniature

20 Dec 2023
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In a daring act of revenge, Brea Rose uncovered her father's sneaky behavior as he attempted to pilfer her undergarments from her closet. Armed with a groundbreaking shrinking app, she retaliated by reducing her dad to a mere half-inch tall. As she giggled at his high-pitched voice, she dangled her gym clothes above his head, fearing they might crush him. She then dropped her clothes on his head while she showered, only to return and find him missing. Buried deep within her worn panties, he was a mere speck as she chuckled over the phone with a friend about her newfound shrinking power. Her dad, now on her lap, attempted to make his way towards her face, but she swiftly knocked him down. He gazed in awe at her pussy, which appeared gargantuan in his diminutive state. She picked him up and placed him on her breast, causing him to tumble as she shook her bosom. He frantically scurried along her stomach, determined to reach her pussy. Finally, he succeeded and was rewarded with an overnight stay inside of Brea's intimate folds.