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Goddess Brooke - Kiss Our Ballbusting Shoes

03 Aug 2019
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Goddess Brooke - Kiss Our Ballbusting Shoes

So me and Princess Bella just got done kicking this slave's nuts and just to add insult to injury, we force him to lick his "ball cooties" off our feet lol. Think about it- we literally just got done kicking him in thenuts and now his loser-ass has to lick his testicle-sweat off of our shoes and feet! Haha. And oh yes, we are going to remind him of it again and again...with non-stop verbal abuse. I wonder if we can hurt his feelings as much as we hurt his nuts?? Well we certainly try! Ya know, what I can't figure out? How do you losers put up with so much from us? Are we really THAT hot, that we can literally do anything we want to a man and he will still grovel at our feet??